Coinom Blog

How to Exchange on Coinom?

how to Exchange on Coinom

Exchange in Coinom is very simple and easy. To exchange in Coinom, first log in to your account. If you don’t have an account, you can use the following article to create an account:
How Signup at Coinom?

After logging in to the user account, go to the main page of Coinom Exchange:
Coinom Exchange

Step 1

On the exchange home, select the currencies you want to exchange and the amount you want to exchange.
Then click on the exchange option.

Step 2

On this page, the final amount of the exchange will be shown to you, and you must enter the wallet address of the recipient of the exchange amount.

Please be careful in entering the recipient’s address for the exchange amount and ensure that the address is correct. If you enter this address incorrectly, the entire amount may be lost.
It is recommended to check the wallet address first and last characters carefully and ensure it is correct.

Accept the terms and conditions. If you need to know, you can read our terms and conditions on the following page:
Coinom Terms of Use

Step 3

On this page, all the information about the exchange will be displayed to you. Check all the information, especially the address of the recipient.
If everything is approved, click on the payment option and make the payment.
Your order will be completed in a short time.

If necessary, you can contact us through a support request.
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