Perfect Money to Bitcoin is one of the exchange pairs that Coinom supports.
Perfect Money (PM) and Bitcoin (BTC) are popular currencies. You can exchange Perfect Money to Bitcoin with the most appropriate exchange rate possible in Coinom. Execution of exchange orders in Coinom is very fast.
Buying Bitcoin with Perfect Money has always been challenging and never been so easy. We have removed the long and hard exchange process to provide our users with a unique experience. The minimum amount for the Perfect Money to Bitcoin exchange on Coinom is 10$.
How to exchange Perfect Money to Bitcoin?
Step 1
To exchange Perfect Money to Bitcoin, Please refer to this page:
Exchange Perfect Money PM to Bitcoin BTC
On the Perfect Money to Bitcoin exchange page, on the amount field, enter the amount you want to exchange.
On the address field (Your bitcoin Account), enter the address of the Bitcoin wallet where you want the final amount of the exchange transferred.
Please be very careful in entering your wallet address, the amount will deposit to the address entered by you, and if you enter the wrong address, you may lose your money.
We recommend you check your Bitcoin wallet address’s initial and last characters and ensure it’s correct.
Accept that “I agree with the terms” on the bottom page and click on exchange.
Step 2
If you have a Coinom Account, log in to your account. If you don’t have Coinom account, you can create an account in less than a minute.
Creating Coinom Account is very simple and easy.
You can use this article to create Coinom Account:
How Signup at Coinom
After logging in to your account, you can see the exchange overview. Please check all the displayed information carefully and ensure that all the information is correct, including the address of your bitcoin wallet.
Step 3
If all the displayed information is correct, click on the Pay option.
You will redirect to the Perfect Money payment page, and you can pay the order amount.
After payment, you will redirect to the coinom order page.
The exchange amount will transfer to the bitcoin wallet address quickly.
If you need help exchanging Perfect Money to Bitcoin, you can log in to your account and submit a support request.
Coinom support department is always ready to help you.
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